Vel peiagh erbee sthie?
Bheil pèachach
ar bith astoigh?
Is there anyone
in? (at home.)
Ta, nee uss t'ayn,
Tà, an è thus'
t'ann, Jhamus?
Yes. it is thou
(that's in) Jim?
3. Trooid stiagh
as jeigh yn dorrys.
Trobhad* isteach as déidh** an doras
Come in and shut
the door.
4. Satchimagh ta'n
oie, vel oo feayr?
Is aiteamach
ta'n oíche, bheil thu fuar?
It's a terrible
night, art thou cold?
5. Cha nel mee
feayr edyr, agh ta mee skee.
Chan eil mi
fuair idir, ach ta mi sgìth
I'm not cold at
all. but I'm tired.
6. Soie sheese
eisht, as gow aash.
Suigh sìos
eist, a's gabh èis
Sit down then, and
take rest (ease.)
7. Daink shiu veih
Balleychashtal noght?
siù vè Baile Chaistil nocht?
Did you come from
Castletown to-night?
8. Cha daink, va
mee ec y thie Hom Dan.
Cha dtainc, bha
mi eic a' taigh Thom
No. I was at Tom
Dan's house.
9. Dy jarroo, as
kys ta'n dooinneyhene?
Da dearbh, a's
cio'as ta'n duine fhèin?
Indeed, and how's
the man himself?
10. S'foddey nish
neayr's honnick mee eshyn.
Is fada 'nois
's chonaic mi eisean
It's a long time
now since I saw him.
11. T'eh-hene goll
dy-dunnal, agh cha nel y ven echey agh moal.
T'e fhèin gol
ach chan eile a' bhean aige ach modhail
Himself is going
bravely, but his wife is only 'moal.' (in poor health.)
12. Moal dy
liooar. er-lhiams, agh ta cree vie eck.
modhail da
leor. Ar-leams, ach ta croì mhaith eic
Poorly enough, I'm thinking, but she has a good heart.
13. Cha geayll mee
rieau accan[iv] assjee.
Cha gcual' mi
riamh acaín aisdi
I never heard a grumble out of her.
14. Cha naik mee
rieau e Iheid roie.
Chan fhaic mi
riamh a leithid roimhe
I never saw her
like before.
15. As cre'n aght
ta'n guilley beg?
A's cre'n acht
ta'n giolla beag?
And how is
the little boy?
16. V'eh trome
ching Jesarn, agh lane dy vree laa ny vairagh.
Bh'e (< bha
e) trom tinn Dè Sathairn, ach làn de bhrì là na mhaireach
He was very ill on
Saturday, but full of energy next day. (day of the morrow.)
17. Shen yn aght
lesh paitchyn.
Sein an acht
leis pàitean
That's the way
with children.
18. Yn derrey 'laa
ching. as yn laa elley lane vie reesht.
An deireadh là tinn, a's an là eile làn mhaith 'rìst
One day sick and another day
quite well again.
19. Jeeagh er y
chlag! Te traa goll thie.
Dèach eir a' chlag! T'e tràth gol taigh.
Look at the clock! It's time to
go home.
20. Oie vie eisht,
gow kiarail jeedhene ayns y
Oíche mhaith eist, gabh ciarail dìod fhèin anns a dorcachas
Good night then,
take care of thyself in the darkness.
* Luaite liom ag Dennis King ar Twitter, McBain "trobhad, come thou hither to me; opposite of thugad: *to-ro'-ad, *to-romh-t, "to before you"?
** arís, ó Dennis King - < (d')iadh; íadaid in iDIL (SeanGhaeilge)
* Luaite liom ag Dennis King ar Twitter, McBain "trobhad, come thou hither to me; opposite of thugad: *to-ro'-ad, *to-romh-t, "to before you"?
** arís, ó Dennis King - < (d')iadh; íadaid in iDIL (SeanGhaeilge)
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