
Saturday 2 November 2013

Lesson 8

1. Déach caé ta bio!
Jeeagh quoi ta bio!
Look who's here! (Look who's alive.)

2. An duine-fhéin, Dannie Cain!
Yn dooinney-hene, Dannie Cain!
The man himself, Dannie Cain!

3, ‘S'fada an uair ‘s chonnaic mi thus’.
S'foddey neayr's honnick mee uss.
It's a long time since I saw thee

4. C’réad t’ thú thus’ déanamh anns Purt le Moirrey?
C'red fou uss jannoo ayns Purt le Moirrey?
What are you doing in Port St. Mary?

5. Ta mis’ ec an iastach i mbliana.
Ta mish ec yn eeastagh mleeaney.
I am at the fishing this year.

6. Bha sinn ‘g obrach 'muigh den Cholú 'réir.
 Va shin gobbragh mooie jeh'n Cholloo riyr.
We were working out off the Calf last night.

7. Thainc sinn ‘steach anns a’ phurt múis sé air a’ chlag móra diúgh.
 Haink shin stiagh ayns y phurt mysh shey er y chlag moghrey jiu.
We came into the harbour about six o'clock this morning.

8. Bheil mona bátan-iastaigh 'g obrach?
Vel monney baatyn-eeastee gobbragh?
Are there many fishing boats working?

9. Chan eil ach cúig bátan Manannach.
Cha nel agh queig baatyn Manninagh.
There are only five Manx boats.

10. Robh mona scadán aiú? Cha robh.
Row monney skeddan eu? Cha row.
Had you much herring? No.

11. ‘S' goann ta'n scadán ec a’ tráth t'ann.
S'goan ta'n skeddan ec y traa t'ayn.
The herrings are scarce at present.

12. Nach robh lán-east' ann 'réir?
Nagh row lane-eayst ayn riyr?
Wasn't there a full moon last night?

13. Bha, sein an ábhar nach d'fhuair sin bheag!
Va, shen yn oyr nagh dooar shin veg!
Yes. that's the reason we got nothing.

14. dTéid siú ‘mach ‘ríst feastar diúgh?
Jed shiu magh reesht fastyr jiu?
Will you go out again this evening?

15. Cha dtéid, nach n-í Dia Sathairn t'ann?
Cha jed, nagh nee Jesarn t'ayn?
No, isn't it Saturday?

16. As bidh lá na mháireach Dia Domhnaigh.
As bee laa ny vairagh Jydoonee.
And tomorrow will be Sunday.

17. Cha deach riamh Manannach dúthaí gus obair air a’ Domhnacht 
Cha jagh rieau Manninagh dooie gys obbyr er y Ghoonaght
No true Manxman ever went to work on the Sabbath.

18. Bheil siú cearaéil* gol taigh da chur siolladh orru?
Vel shiu kiarail goll thie dy chur shilley orroo?
Do you intend going home to put a sight on them?

19. Chan eil, ma bhidheas uile da maith, bímiod anns Rhumsaa  sa tseachtain seo tíot.
Cha nel, my vees ooilley dy mie, beemayd ayns Rhumsaa 'sy chiaehtin shoh cheet.
No. if all is well. we shall be shall in Ramsey this coming week.

20. Mannach bheil thú gul taigh eist, trobhad as gabh dinnéar mairinn 'máireach.
Mannagh vel oo goll thie eisht, trooid as gow jinnair marin mairagh.
If you're not going home then, come and have dinner with us tomorrow.

21. Ním go robh e maith mór aiú.
Nee'm. gur eh mie mooar eu.
I will, thank you very much.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Lesson 7


I. Cré'n uair t’e, Rob? (cré'n tráth  t’e?)
Cre'n oor te, Rob? (cre'n traa
What time is it Robert?

2. Te bunús hocht air a’ chlag.
Te bunnys hoght er y chlag.
It's nearly eight o'clock.

3. Nach bheil Juan dúist fóst?
Nagh vel Juan dooisht foast?
Isn't John awake yet?

4. Chan eil. t’e cadla trom.
Cha nel. t'eh cadley trome.
No, he's fast asleep.

5. Te lán tráth bh'e air-chois.
Te lane traa v'eh er-chosh.
It's quite time he was afoot.

6. Bha e ro anmach gol da laighe.
V'eh ro anmagh goll dy lhie.
He was too late going to bed.

7. Imigh as inis da t’e g fhás anmach.
Immee as insh da te gaase anmagh.
Go and tell him it's getting late,

8. Déan soir[1], Juan, Nach bheil thú gol du-s a’ mhargadh diúgh?
Jean siyr, Yuan, nagh vel oo goll dys y vargey jiu?
Make haste, John, aren't you going to the fair (market) today?

9. Dy dearbh ta, jean thú fuireacht rium?
Dy jarroo ta, jean oo fuirraght rhym?
Indeed yes, will you wait for me?

10. Maith da leór, ach ná bidh fada.
Mie dy liooar, agh ny bee foddey.
Good enough, but don't be long.

11. Chí’m thú air a’ drochad ris an abhainn.
Hee'm oo er y droghad rish yn awin.
l'll see thee on the bridge by the river.

12. Bh’e lurg naoi air a’ chlag tráth ráinig Juan a’ drochad.
Ve lurg nuy er y chag tra raink Juan y droghad.
 It was after nine o'clock when John reached the bridge.

13. Ta thú thus’ litéarach eaglach, Jhuan boy.
T'ou uss litcheragh agglagh, Yuan bhoy.
Thou art awful lazy, John boy.

14. cré sein bha mo mhairí cleachta ’g rádh?
cre shen va my warree cliaghtey gra?
What was that my grandmother used to say?

15 . "Litéarach gol da laighe, Litéarach ‘g éirí suas, as .. Litéarach goll dus a’ Cheill Dia Domhnaigh"
 "Litcheragh goll dy Ihie, " Litcheragh girree seose, as .. Litcheragh goll dys y Cheeill Jydoonee."
"Lazy to bed, lazy getting up and lazy going to Church on Sunday."

16. Cha lias dhuit deanamh froais, Rob.
Cha lias dhyt jannoo froaish, Rob.
Thou needn't brag Robert.

17. Cha robh thus’ ro-ghasta dé!
Cha row uss ro ghastey jea!
You were not too lively yesterday!

18. As cha robh thus’ air-chois rois deich air y chlag arú-a-dé!
cha row uss er-chosh roish .i eih er y chlag arroo-y-jea!
And you weren't up before ten o'clock the day before yesterday!

19. Ná lig dúinn tuitim-magh cinndeach ris.
Ny lhig dooin tuittym-magh kyndagh rish.
 Let's not fall out about it (because of it).

20. O n’abair focal. Ta sinn réidh ris.
N'abbyr fockle. ta shin rey rish.
Don't mention it, it's finished with. (we are done with it.)

[1] Níl mé cinnte faoin cheann seo.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Lesson 6

1. Va mee ayns Doolish jea. row shiuish ayns shen?
Bha mi anns Dubhghlais dé. Robh siú-is anns sein?
I was in Douglas yesterday, were you there?

2. Cha row, cha jagh mee foddey voish y thie.
Cha robh, cha deach mi fada bhois a’ taigh.
No, I didn't go far from home. (from the house).

3. Hie mee choud as Purl Chiarn.
Chaidh mi chomh fada is Purt Tiarn’.
I went as far as Port Erin.

4. Naik shiu Paaie 'sy phurt?
An fhaic siú Paaie sa phurt?
Did you see Peggy in the Port?

5. Honnick, agh cha row mee loayrt r'ee.
Chonnaic, ach cha robh mi labhairt rí.
Yes, but I wasn't speaking to her.

6. Cheayll mee dy vel ee sooree.
Chual’ mi da bheil í suirí.
I heard that she is courting.

7. S firrinagh dy liooar shen.
‘S fírinneach da leór sein.
That's true enough.

8. Ta dooinney eck fy-yerrey hoal!
Ta duine aic fo-dheireadh thall!
She has a man at long last!

9. Quoi eshyn? Nee Manninagh eh?
Caé eisean? An í Manannach e?
Who is he? Is he a Manxman?

10. She, Manninagh dooie veih Skylley Vride.
Is e, Manannach dúchaí bhé  Skylley Vride.
Yes, a native Manxman from Bride Parish.

11. Cha nel mee er n'akin Paaie rish ymmodee bleeantyn.
Chan eil mi air n'fhaicin Paaie ris an iomadaí bliantan.
 I haven't seen Peggy for many years.

12. Insh dou, vel ee jeeaghyn dy mie?
Inis domh, bheil í déachainn da maith?
Tell me, does she look well?

13. Cho aeg as bwaagh as v'ee rieau.
Cho éag[1] as baech[2] as bh’í riamh.
As young and pretty as ever she was.
14. As y dooinney eck, c'red t'eh jannoo?
As a’ duine aic, C’réad t'e déanamh?
And her man, what does he do?

15. Cha 'sayms, s'likly t'eh gobbragh er y thalloo.
Cha fhios aghams, s' lidhce[3] t'e ag obrach air a’ talamh.
I don't know, but it's likely he works on the land.

16. S'mie shen. shoh slaynt as. aigh vie orroo. 
‘S maith sein. seo slant[4] as áidh mhaith orru.
That's fine, here's health and /good luck to them.

17. Eaisht! Vel oo clashtyn red erbee?
Éist! Bheil thú claistinn réad air bith?
Listen! Do you hear anything?

18. Nagh row crank er y dorrys?
 Nach robh cranair a’ doras?
Wasn't there a knock on the door?

19. Immee as jeeagh quoi t ayn.
Imigh a’s déach caé t ann.
Go and look who it is.

20. Cha nel pelagh erbee ayns shoh.
Chan eil péachach air bith anns seo.
There's no one at all here. 

[1] <óg
[2] Níl mé cinnte faoin sanasaíocht. Cuireann an fuaimiú /bʷaex/ Gaeilge Ó Méith i gcuimhne dom.
[3] < Eng. Like
[4] < sláinte

Friday 8 March 2013

Lesson 5

1. C'raad ta Juan? Cha 'sayms edyr. 
C’rád ta Juan? Cha fhios aghams idir.
Where's John? I don't know at all. 

2. Nagh vel eh 'sy thie? 

Nach bheil e sa taigh?
Isn't he in the house? (at home) 

3. Cha nel mee fakin eh. 
Chan eil mi faicinn e.
I don't see him.

4. Jeeagh er shen! C'red t'ou fakin? 
Déach air sein! C’réad ta thú faicinn?
Look at that! What art thou seeing? 

5. Ta Juan er y clieau. 
Ta Juan air a’ tsliabh.
John is on the mountain

6. C'red t'eh jannoo? Fow magh! 
C’réad t'e déanamh? Fogh ‘mach!
What's he doing? Find out! 

7. Moghrey mie, c'red ta jannoo ort? 

Móra maith, C’réad ta déanamh ort?
Good morning, what's the matter?

8. Ta'n cabbyl glass ersooyl. 
Ta'n caball glas air siúil.
The grey horse is gone. (away) 

9. Nagh vel eh 'sy vagher shid? 
Nach bheil e sa mhachair si(ú)d?
Isn't he in yonder field? 

10. Cha row eh ayns shen moghrey jiu. 
Cha robh e anns sein móra diúgh.
He wasn't there this morning. 

11. T'eh kiart dy-liooar nish
 T'e ceart da leor ‘nois.
He's right enough now. 

12. Ta mee clashtyn oo feer vie. 
Ta mi claistinn thú fíor mhaith.
I hear you very well. 

13. Vel oo goll thie reesht? 
Bheil thú gol taigh ‘ríst?
Are you going home again? 

14. Cha nel foast. cre'n driss t'ort? 
Chan eil fós'. cré'n drios t'ort?
Not yet. what rush is on thee? 

15. Ta mee goll dy Colby, vel oo cheet? 
Ta mi gol da Colby, bheil thú tíot?
I'm going to Colby, art thou coming? 

16. Trooid eisht, Ihig dooin goll. 
Trobhad[1] eist, lig dúinn gol.
Come then, let's go. 

17. Jeeagh auoi ta cheet! 
Déach caé ta tíot!
Look who's coming! 

18.She Billy t'ayn, as y moddey echey.
Is e Billy t'ann, as a’ madadh aige.
It's Billy and his dog 

19. Ta moddey mie ayd, vel Gailck echey?

Ta madadh maith aghad, bheil Gaelg aige?
There's a good dog at thee, has he Manx? 

20. Cha nel Gailck erbee echey.
Chan eil Gaelg air bith aige.
He has 'no Manx at all. 

21. Cre voish t'eh? Voish Sostyn. 
Cré bhois t'e? Bhois Sostan.
Where's he from? From England. 

22. Cha row mee rieau ayns shen. 
Cha robh mi riamh anns sein.
I was never there. 

23, Row uss rieau ayns Rhumsaa? 
Robh thus’ riamh anns Rhumsaa?
Wast thou ever in Ramsey. 

24. Va, dy jarroo, keayrt ny ghaa. 
Bha, da dearbh, ciart[2] no dhá.
Yes indeed. many a time. 

25. Hie mee dysen 'sy vaatey
Chaidh mi du-sein sa bháta.
I went there in the boat.

26. Ta laa braew ayn jiu. 
Ta lá bréagha ann diúgh.
There's a fine in. 

27. Laa braew grianagh dy jarroo. 
Lá bréagha grianach da dearbh.
A fine sunny day indeed. 

28. Cha nel eh feayr edyr.
Chan eil e fuar idir.
 Its not cold at all. 

29. Vel oo clashtyn red erbee? 
Bheil thú claistinn réad air bith?
Dost thou hear 

30. Cha nel mee clashtyn veg
Chan eil mi claistinn bheag
I hear nothing. 

[1] * Luaite liom ag Dennis King ar Twitter, McBain "trobhad, come thou hither to me; opposite of thugad: *to-ro'-ad, *to-romh-t, "to before you"?
[2] < Sean-Ghaeilge ‘cúairt

Thursday 7 March 2013

Lesson 4

Vel peiagh erbee sthie?
Bheil pèachach ar bith astoigh?
Is there anyone in? (at home.)

Ta, nee uss t'ayn, Yamys?
Tà, an è thus' t'ann, Jhamus?
Yes. it is thou (that's in) Jim?

3. Trooid stiagh as jeigh yn dorrys.
Trobhad* isteach as déidh** an doras 
Come in and shut the door.

4. Satchimagh ta'n oie, vel oo feayr?
Is aiteamach ta'n oíche, bheil thu fuar?
It's a terrible night, art thou cold?

5. Cha nel mee feayr edyr, agh ta mee skee.
Chan eil mi fuair idir, ach ta mi sgìth
I'm not cold at all. but I'm tired.

6. Soie sheese eisht, as gow aash.
Suigh sìos eist, a's gabh èis 
Sit down then, and take rest (ease.)

7. Daink shiu veih Balleychashtal noght?
dtainc[i] siù vè Baile Chaistil nocht? 
Did you come from Castletown to-night?

8. Cha daink, va mee ec y thie Hom Dan.
Cha dtainc, bha mi eic a' taigh Thom
No. I was at Tom Dan's house.

9. Dy jarroo, as kys ta'n dooinneyhene?
Da dearbh, a's cio'as ta'n duine fhèin?
Indeed, and how's the man himself?

10. S'foddey nish neayr's honnick mee eshyn.
Is fada 'nois 'niar[ii] 's chonaic mi eisean
It's a long time now since I saw him.

11. T'eh-hene goll dy-dunnal, agh cha nel y ven echey agh moal.
T'e fhèin gol da-dunnal[iii], ach chan eile a' bhean aige ach modhail
Himself is going bravely, but his wife is only 'moal.' (in poor health.)

12. Moal dy liooar. er-lhiams, agh ta cree vie eck.
modhail da leor. Ar-leams, ach ta croì mhaith eic
Poorly enough, I'm thinking, but she has a good heart. 

13. Cha geayll mee rieau accan[iv]  assjee.
Cha gcual' mi riamh acaín aisdi 
I never heard a grumble out  of her. 

14. Cha naik mee rieau e Iheid roie.
Chan fhaic mi riamh a leithid roimhe
I never saw her like before. 

15. As cre'n aght ta'n guilley beg?
A's cre'n acht ta'n giolla beag? 
 And how is the little boy? 

16. V'eh trome ching Jesarn, agh lane dy vree laa ny vairagh.
Bh'e (< bha e) trom tinn Dè Sathairn, ach làn de bhrì là na mhaireach
He was very ill on Saturday,  but full of energy next day.  (day of the morrow.)  

17. Shen yn aght lesh paitchyn.
Sein an acht leis pàitean
That's the way with children. 

18. Yn derrey 'laa ching. as yn laa elley lane vie reesht.
An deireadh là tinn, a's an  là eile làn mhaith 'rìst
One day sick and another day  quite well again. 

19. Jeeagh er y chlag! Te traa goll thie.
 Dèach eir a' chlag! T'e tràth gol taigh.
Look at the clock! It's time to  go home. 

20. Oie vie eisht, gow kiarail jeedhene ayns y dorraghys.
Oíche mhaith eist, gabh ciarail dìod fhèin anns a dorcachas
Good night then, take care of thyself in the darkness. 

* Luaite liom ag Dennis King ar Twitter, McBain "trobhadcome thou hither to me; opposite of thugad*to-ro'-ad*to-romh-t, "to before you"?

** arís, ó Dennis King - < (d')iadh; íadaid in iDIL (SeanGhaeilge)

[i] Litriú úsáidte ar dtús ag Mac Ruairí, Seoras
[ii] Idir dhá chomhairle maidir leis an cheann seo
[iii] Idir dhá chomhairle maidir leis an cheann seo
[iv] As an tSean-ghaeilge ‘accaíne’?